The risks to human health and the environment depend on the toxicity and the exposure. It’s possible to limit the risks by acting from the design of the product on:
- the nanoparticles: realize a coating to increase the size without losing any properties, improve the desired properties by playing with the matrix, insert nanoparticles on bigger particles to avoid a release,…
- the uses: restrict the use of a product to specific scenarios in such a way as to reduce the potential release,
- the matrix: improve the organic matrix resistance thanks to the polymer properties, the binder to obtain a better affinity between the matrix and the particles.
Several European projects such as SUN (“Sustainable Nanotechnologies”), NANoREGII (“Developmentand implementation of Grouping and Safe-by-Design approaches within regulatory frameworks”) or the SERENADE labex (“Safe(r) ecodesign research and education applied to nanomaterial development”) care about this approach.