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Growth process

How a growth process” nanoworkshop works?

The growth of nanotubes or nanowires is obtained by chemical vapor deposition in a confined reactor. The break down of the substrate (preparation) may disperse a few particles. Some characterization techniques can damage the sample. The daily cleaning is done with the reactor closed, but some maintenance with the reactor open are needed each year. The particles/substrate liaison of the samples is high (low risk of inhalation) provided shocks, destruction, or contacts are avoided. The operations of transfert of samples are therefore done with shields and their destruction are made with waste elimination.


Growth functional process.

The growth equipment causes very small amounts of nanomaterials to grow on the substrate: approximately 0.01 mg.cm-2 of carbon nanotubes on a silicon wafer. The start products can be films or clusters  attached to a substrate or a solution, a drop of which is deposited on a substrate.

The only sensitive phase from a safety point of view is the opening of the reactor for open maintenance.

Amongst the phases to be monitored the following may also be mentioned:

  • the splitting of substrates in preparation,
  • incorrect handling of an AFM tip during characterization.
  • It therefore presents risk levels that are significantly lower than in powder production workshops.