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What are the applications?

The four main areas of applications concerned in the short or medium term are: Health, Daily Life, Security/Defense and Sustainable Development. Here are some examples representing hydrophobic and anti-graffiti surfaces. An inventory of "nano" products for each sector and principal applications by type of nanoparticles is referenced on: www.inrs.fr.
Cartoons Episode 2

Nanoparticles are incorporated into bulletproof vests which gives them a better resistance [J-H. Lee et al., Nature communication 3 (2012) 1164].

"Security" applications concern protection against shocks (bumper, bullet proof jacket) or fire (clothing with nanoclay) as well as against counterfeiting (tracing) or robbery (RFID). At the Defense level, known applications are: detectors and correctors of chemical and biological agents, miniaturized monitoring systems, and more precise guidance systems.