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Risk definition

How is it possible to define a risk?

An isolated shark in the ocean is potentially dangerous but is not a risk. When a swimmer is nearby, he is exposed to a level of risk. If he is bleeding due to an injury, the level of risk increases. If he is protected by a cage, the level of risk decreases.

A welding machine is potentially dangerous. A welder, when protected with the appropriate equipment, takes a controlled risk. Without protection, the risk to his vision is important. So, risk is function of danger AND exposure: RISK = f ( DANGER, EXPOSURE).

As regards the chemical risk prevention, several notions are defined:

  • danger (labor code - R4412-2): intrinsic property of a chemical agent with the potential to cause harm,
  • exposure: action of placing a person, an object in away to expose them to the effect of pathogens or phenomenon's,
  • risk (labor code - R4412-2): probability that the nuisance potential is achieved under the conditions of use and/or exposure.