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How a nanowetworkshop works?

Starting from chemical precursors, a colloidal synthesis enables you to obtain nanoparticles. After characterization, they are either directly integrated in a matrix, or chemically processed (functionalization, encapsulation) in order to insert them in the matrix. A disaggregation and then dispersion of nanopowders in liquid route can also lead to a "nano" colloid. In each phase of activity: Transport, Processing, Maintenance, Storage, and Management of solid and liquid wastes, the particle propensity to disperse will be specific.

The characterization methods concern both those particles produced in dry form and colloidal suspensions, or those products finished after integration. The morphology and composition of the nanoparticles developed, their colloidal stability, the specific properties required (optical, mechanical, thermal, etc.), and their satisfactory dispersion in the integration matrix, are characterized in order to ensure the operations are carried out correctly.

The most commonly employed techniques: TEM and SEM microscopies, XRD analysis, IR spectroscopy, DSL, Zetametry, UV-Vis Spectroscopy, etc. 

SEM and TEM images of arsenic nanoparticles from a chemical synthesis [A. Pal et al., Advanced Materials Letters 3 (2012) 177-180].