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Life cycle analysis and risk assessment

The life cycle analysis since the creation of a nanoparticle, commissioning and use of a nanoproduct, its future and its end of life allow to identify potential exposures to nanoparticles. We can distinguish professional risks and the risks for the population: either directly through the use of a nanoproduct, or indirectly via environment.

 Inhalation, ingestion and skin contact.

  • the respiratory tract would mainly come in contact via inhalation of aerosol particles dispersed in the ambient air,
  • the digestive tract would be the result of contamination through the food chain, an interaction with the respiratory tract, or a lack of personal hygiene,
  • skin exposure occurs secondarily, but must not be neglected because the possibilities of contacts with particles are numerous (cleaning, maintenance, operations transfer between containers, etc.). The potential for exposure through the blood system in case of injury is not to be excluded.

At the present time, despite the rise of data concerning the nanoparticle toxicity, the results remain low and sometimes contradictory. Their feature makes fear for their capacity to overcome the traditional barriers for human and environment.