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Detection in the Air

What are the available instrumentations to measure in the air?

To measure nanoparticles in the air, two types of instrumentation exist: the specific instruments which analyze some particles or the totality. Among those, it needs to be distinguished counters and granulometers, transportable (monitors, samplers) or portableThe counters provide a global number of particles and the granulometers specify the size distribution. A global count of the particles will be less precise and will not permit the detection of small leaks. Measures may perform in real or deferred time.

This technique allows to determine the size and the morphology of nanoparticles. It is based on the interaction between the sample and an electron beam. The TEM covers a measurement range from 1 nm to 1 µm.

The analysis of collected particles on substrates can also be realized by SEM (“Scanning electron microscopy”), XRF (“X-ray fluorescence spectrometry analysis”),…

TEM device and image of Ag-Cu nanoparticles [J. Sopousek et al., Journal of Nanomaterials 2014 (2014)].